Hope & Healing 2023

Sudafest Hope & Healing Festival offered hope and healing to everyone through the artistic expressions of creative individuals. The festival took place during a challenging time for Sudanese people, as Sudan continues to grapple with the effects of war and displacement.  

The event lasted days and offered a deep look into Sudanese culture and art. It was part of the Platforma Festival and a collaboration between Sudafest, Counterpoints Arts, and Acta Community Theatre.

The first day featured a show by two audacious clowns, Mohand and Peter, who took on the horrors of war with the power of laughter while striving to shape a brighter future for Sudan. Their journey took the audience through the landscapes of Sudan and mimicked a diverse cast of characters, including Omar Al Bashir, Mohand's clan of 450 cousins, and even a charmingly indolent camel.

The second day was dedicated to shedding light on the current challenges facing Sudan. This day overflowed with activities carefully curated to suit people of all ages and backgrounds. Here's a glimpse of what took place: